Smart AI-Monitoring solutions by GradeSens

Smart AI-Monitoring solutions by GradeSens


Digital twins to detect early stage failures in the hydro turbines and generators


Detection of early failures in both hydro turbines and generators by creating an individual Digital Twin. Wireless technology must be used for remote monitoring, due to restricted and sometimes far away plant accesses. Easy, fast and non-intrusive installation is a must.


LYRASens wireless sensors are positioned on the bodies of the turbines and generators, acquiring the necessary acceleration and temperature data. These data are sent wirelessly to the LYRAGate, a gateway that receives simultaneous data from up to 25 LYRASens and also other data from analog-output sensors and IO-Link sensors (inductive, opto, pressure sensors) via the LYRALink device. The LYRAGate communicates with the Moonstone platform for Data management, Data processing and further Data reporting. SCADA data may also be acquired if provided by the User. After the training period (machine learning phase), the Digital Twin algorithm is ready for operation and delivers the real and predicted behaviours of the machine to the Dashboards.

Typical Applications

Monitoring of a hydroelectric plant

Early detection of anomalies as a result of the Digital Twin elaboration

Our products are designed for companies willing to optimize their performance.

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