Industrial AI-Analytics dedicated to rotating machines, robotics and civil infrastructure
Our AI-Analytics cloud software branded “ MoonStone Insight ” is designed for the industry. MoonStone Insight processes data with standardised Algorithms in order to monitor the evolution of specific failure modes (KPIs) dedicated to your machine.
Integration of the AI-Analytics into your industrial ecosystem and requirements
If your machine is already well instrumented with existing sensors, MoonStone Insight can be connected to your existing data at SCADA level via a Modbus interface or at cloud level via our universal
API connector MoonStone Snooper. If your machine is not sufficiently instrumented, MoonStone Insight can be connected to our wireless data acquisition system LYRA. LYRA allows you acquire vibration and other type of data such as power consumption in a easy and non intrusive manner. LYRA has been specifically designed for industrial environment. LYRA wireless communication ensures the collection of structured data in long range. It can be fully commissioned and maintained remotely.

Expertise in Data Engineering

Our expertise developed along with our clients in various industries allows us to support you in your most demanding challenges.
Together with your maintenance – engineering team, we analyse your machines and their main failure modes to design the optimal digital architecture (data and analytics) ensuring the best costs – benefits returns.