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Wireless Vibration Sensors

Understanding the basics

Wireless vibration sensors have revolutionized the field of predictive maintenance by providing efficient and convenient monitoring solutions. In this blog article, we will delve into the world of wireless vibration sensors, exploring their meaning, applications, and advantages. Whether you are new to the topic or already familiar with it, this article aims to provide comprehensive insights into wireless vibration sensors.

What is a wireless vibration sensor and how does it work?

A wireless vibration sensor is a device designed to measure vibrations in machinery and equipment. It consists of an accelerometer , which detects vibrations, and a transmitter, which wirelessly sends the collected data to a receiver or monitoring system . By analyzing the vibration patterns, professionals can assess the health and condition of the monitored equipment, enabling them to predict and prevent potential failures .

The benefits of using a wireless vibration sensor in predictive maintenance

The utilization of wireless vibration sensors offers numerous benefits in the realm of predictive maintenance. Firstly, these sensors provide real-time data, allowing for proactive maintenance actions to be taken promptly. By detecting early signs of equipment deterioration, organizations can prevent costly breakdowns and minimize downtime . Additionally, wireless sensors eliminate the need for extensive wiring, reducing installation costs and facilitating flexibility in sensor placement.

How wireless vibration sensors differ from wired vibration sensors

While both wired and wireless vibration sensors serve the purpose of monitoring equipment vibrations, they differ in their functionality and implementation. Wired sensors require physical connections to transmit data, often necessitating complex wiring infrastructure. On the other hand, wireless sensors transmit data through radio frequency or Wi-Fi signals, eliminating the need for wiring. This wireless capability enables remote monitoring , making it suitable for inaccessible or hazardous environments.

What type of equipment can benefit from using a wireless vibration sensor?

Wireless vibration sensors can be employed in various industries and equipment types. From rotating machinery like motors , pumps , and turbines to industrial processes involving conveyors and compressors, these sensors offer valuable insights into equipment performance. Additionally, they can be used in the automotive and aerospace sectors to monitor vibrations in vehicles and aircraft, ensuring safety and optimal functioning.

How is the data collected and transmitted by a wireless vibration sensor?

Wireless vibration sensors collect data through their built-in accelerometers, which measure vibrations in multiple directions. This data is then processed and transmitted wirelessly to a central receiver or monitoring system. Advanced wireless sensor networks allow for data aggregation and analysis, providing a comprehensive overview of equipment conditions.

What is the battery life of a wireless vibration sensor?

​Battery life is of course a crucial factor to consider when using wireless vibration sensors. Depending on the sensor model and usage, the battery life can range from several months to several years . It is essential to select sensors with long battery life to ensure uninterrupted monitoring and minimize maintenance efforts.

Can wireless vibration sensors be used in hazardous or extreme environments?

​Yes, wireless vibration sensors can be utilized in hazardous or extreme environments. They are designed to withstand harsh conditions, including high humidity, and vibrations. Additionally, wireless sensors eliminate the need for physical human intervention in these environments, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring worker safety.

How does a wireless vibration sensor integrate with other predictive maintenance technologies?

Wireless vibration sensors can seamlessly integrate with other predictive maintenance technologies, enhancing the overall monitoring capabilities. By combining vibration data with temperature sensors, oil analysis and infrared imaging, a comprehensive picture of equipment health can be obtained. This integrated approach enables proactive maintenance planning and optimization of maintenance practices.

What is the cost of a wireless vibration sensor compared to a wired vibration sensor?

The cost of wireless vibration sensors varies depending on factors such as sensor specifications, features, and the number of sensors required. While wireless sensors may have a higher upfront cost compared to wired sensors, they offer significant cost savings in terms of installation, maintenance, and data collection. The flexibility and convenience of wireless sensors outweigh the initial investment for many organizations.
system offered by GradeSens, provide a compelling value proposition for organizations looking to maximize their efficiency and minimize costs. LYRA has been designed to be a true alternative to wire sensors. It uses advanced sub-GHz wireless radio technology, ensuring robust data communication in harsh industrial environments, and can be remotely configured and maintained. LYRA Wireless vibration sensors, such as the
LYRA is a true wireless data acquisition system, consisting of LYRASens for vibration and temperature sensing, LYRALink for IO-Link and analogue interfacing, and LYRAGate as a gateway for data transfer.

How can the data collected by a wireless vibration sensor be analyzed and used to improve maintenance practices?

The data collected by wireless vibration sensors can be analyzed using specialized software and algorithms. This analysis provides valuable insights into equipment health, enabling organizations to optimize maintenance practices. By identifying trends, anomalies, and potential failure patterns, maintenance professionals can make data-driven decisions, prioritize maintenance tasks, and extend equipment lifespan.
In comparison to classic wireless vibration sensors, LYRA collects simultaneously data over several wireless sensors and SCADA. The resulting datasets are structured and can consequently be combined to build Digital Twins. Digital Twins allow you to compare real health indicators with their predicted values so that complex failure modes can proactively be detected. In comparison to classic vibration monitoring which is focused on machine elements such as bearings and shafts, the failure modes coverage of Digital Twins is significantly larger. Typically failures on a generator winding, power electronic, mechanical seal, external hydraulic system (e.g. leakage) can be proactively detected.

What are the limitations of wireless vibration sensors and how can they be addressed?

Wireless vibration sensors, like any technology, have certain limitations. One limitation is the range of wireless communication , which can be affected by environmental factors. To address this, deploying repeaters or extenders can enhance the communication range. Additionally, periodic calibration and maintenance of the sensors are necessary to ensure accurate and reliable measurements. LYRA is based on a sub-GHz radio technology so that large ranges are covered even in an industrial environment. LYRA bandwidth is 100x bigger than LoRa so that RAW vibration data (typically sets of more than 100’000 values sampled up to 4’000 values per second) is transferred.

Can wireless vibration sensors be used to monitor multiple machines or equipment at once?

Yes, wireless vibration sensors can monitor multiple machines or equipment simultaneously. By deploying a network of wireless sensors, organizations can collect data from various assets and centralize it for analysis. This multi-machine monitoring capability allows for efficient and comprehensive predictive maintenance strategies .

LYRA allows you to group and record data for each piece of equipment. For aggregates, this approach allows storing structured data by machine so that Digital Twins are calculated for each equipment.

Wireless vibration sensors have transformed the field of predictive maintenance, offering real-time monitoring, cost savings, and improved equipment reliability. By understanding the basics of these sensors, their applications, and advantages, organizations can harness their potential to optimize maintenance practices. Explore GradeSens’ all-in-one maintenance solution and see how it can revolutionize your predictive maintenance strategies. Start your journey towards proactive and efficient maintenance practices today.
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